H-24 – 2015
24 hours of street conversation recorded by two interphones /24 heures de conversation de rue enregistrées par deux interphones
Door phone connect the private and the public place and protect the house privacy. In this project the doorsphone is an alternative use to hear the street. Two Door phones were recorded during 24 hours, with electromagnetic microphone. Them the record used to write snatch of conversation from pedestrian traffic with an automatic and documentary point of view.
This work, question documentation of a site with a protocol and a reduced point of view, using the sky esthetic of listening. In Old french, verb to listen to « escouter » mean to hear with attention, but escouter is « the place where they are listening unseen »The origin of listening in the french language is attitude inquisitive and hidden. This conversation, too much fragmented to be easily understood, allow the construction of another story by the viewer.